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Easy DUI school to finish my Nevada court ed required for my sentencing
November 19, 2021

Was sentenced by my Judge for a first offence (Nevada Lvl 1 drunk driving) for a lot more costs than I expected - DUI class, ignition interlock device, SR-22 insurance. Happy I found this school searching on google. 123 popped up and said it was able to be completed from my phone.

Did just that - paid from my phone, downloaded my finished course doc from my phone. Just saved the cert and emailed it to my DUI lawyer, no issues at all. Saw a lot of other classes going near twice what I paid - found out they're all licensed by the DMV, so each one's accepted by my court. Couldn't believe the Vegas Court recommended a class that's on the 3rd floor of their building for about twice the cost of what I paid.

Just watched some powerpoints, videos, read some infographics and took a few question quizzes after each class portion - plus for the 8hrs required, I did 3hrs at the beginning and did the rest about an hour per day till I finished. And retook the final exam twice since there's unlimited tries.

Anyone that needs an alcohol ed class in Nevada by court, 123 DUI Online is pretty dope. There was even a free victim impact panel in the school, showed I did it on my final certificate, definitely helped with my nervousness of going to a huge room filled with strangers in case someone might've had Covid. It felt a lot safter not having to do two classes for like 10 hours added up. 123DUIOnline.com is the site to sign up as a heads up!

For anyone not signed up for a DUI school yet, I'd do this one. After I finished I got an email with a discount code for $5 off in case anyone I knew needed, just put in DUI2021 when you're at checkout. Spreading the info where I can. Shoutout to Diane for answering all my calls about last minute documents I needed the next day and for a bunch of other questions I had about making sure it was the right course at the beginning.

Tip for consumers:

Use the coupon code [DUI2021] for $5 off the drunk drink class at 123DUIOnline.com

Products used:

Nevada Court required alcohol education class & victim impact panel course for drunk driving conviction in Las Vegas Criminal Justice Court.

Date of experience: November 19, 2021