The Future of Consumer Electronics: Emerging Technologies and What to Expect Next

The Future of Consumer Electronics: Emerging Technologies and What to Expect Next article cover

New technology emerges every day, most of them aimed at making our lives better. Many devices integrate seamlessly with each other to create an immersive, personalized experience. With rapid advancements in technologies such as virtual reality, wearable devices, and 5G networks, the future is here. Let’s dive in and uncover the latest innovations — and what we can expect in the near future.

Emerging technologies

The Metaverse

Big players like Nvidia, Meta, game developer Epic, and Microsoft have all laid out their own plans for the ever-expanding metaverse. Companies are striving to create an immersive online environment and world for socializing, working, and playing.

Despite some analysts painting a bleak picture of the Metaverse’s future, a recent survey of 9,000 people found that 55% of participants want to be active users. Even more startling – the survey showed that 90% of those people want to become active in the Metaverse in the next year. Are you one of them?


It’s already happening, but as the year moves forward, consumers can expect to see a continued rapid expansion of 5G coverage. Cloud gaming, 8K streaming, and virtual reality will become more mainstream, giving us higher bandwidth and higher-definition video services.

Along with this development will come lighter devices that don’t need bulky processors and graphics chips. This’ll be because calculations are done remotely and output is streamed to your device as a video feed.


For years, tech companies like Apple, Samsung, Google, and Amazon worked on an open-source, universal smart home protocol. In 2022, Matter finally went live. This tool will allow us to have a Wi-Fi-based, single hub that’s compatible with Google Assistant, Alexa, SmartThings, and Siri, among others.

Matter-compatible devices include smart plugs, smart lights, and connected roller blinds. Coming soon, additional types of devices will work with Matter, including smart home cameras and robot vacuums.

Wearable Wellness Technology

Consumer use of wearable healthcare technology continues to rise, with more than 25% of the U.S. population wearing a wellness device in 2023. What’s more, the demand for reliable wearables keeps rising, creating a booming market for these devices.

Smartwatches have been around for a while, with the Apple Watch and Fitbit leading the pack. The Oura ring is a sophisticated device that collects data about your health. This smart ring uses sensors for tracking metrics such as activity, sleep, workouts logged, calories burned, and more.

Subscription-based Wellness Products

Products with subscription options continue to rise in popularity, with the Fitbit we mentioned above being one example. But what about a subscription alarm clock? The Hatch Restore is designed to help you set up an easy sleep routine.

This color-changing Bluetooth clock is more than just a sunrise alarm clock. Hatch Restore also has relaxing soundscapes, bedtime stories, binaural beats, sleep music, meditation music, and more. The Hatch Restore comes with one free month, then you purchase a subscription through the Apple Store or Google Play store.

What to expect next

Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR)

Virtual reality isn’t new, but this technology is evolving and expanding exponentially. So far, we’ve had VR and AR that engages two of our senses: hearing and sight. As this technology moves forward, content providers and manufacturers will be looking to engage us through taste, touch, and smell as they create genuinely immersive experiences. New devices will have feel and smell experiences. Just think how awesome watching cooking shows will be. 

Domestic Robots

In 2022, Amazon introduced Astro, a general-purpose home robot that acts as a roving security bot. While Astro keeps an eye on your home and lets you know if someone shouldn’t be there, the robot also has a personality. It can provide entertainment or keep you company, along with hunting you down when you have alerts or video calls. We’ve filed Astro under “what to expect next” because right now, this robot is available exclusively by invitation.

Expansion of the Internet of Things (IoT)

The Internet of Things refers to a network of tangible items, commonly known as “things,” which are equipped with sensors, software, and other technological components. These elements enable the objects to connect and share data with other devices and systems via the internet.

These devices range from ordinary household objects to sophisticated industrial tools. By the end of 2023, experts estimate that 15 billion devices will be connected to the Internet of Things (IoT). By 2030, this number will probably be doubled, largely because of the 5G expansion that will improve the performance of connected devices.

Smarter Cars

Smart cars are being designed to take in what’s happening inside and outside the vehicle. With Samsung’s ICX system, it will use sensors that measure driver drowsiness and infrared cameras that monitor a driver’s status. Other smart car innovations will even help you keep track of what’s going on at home. For example, technology such as LG’s Cockpit Computer will allow you to check on your stove.

To be expected, electric vehicles will continue to advance. Sony partnered with Honda to build its Afeela vehicle, which has 45 sensors and cameras on both the interior and exterior of the vehicle. Meanwhile, BMW has introduced i Vision Dee (digital emotional experience). Cars enabled with this technology can change color with E Ink – and an augmented reality display wraps around the car’s windshield. You could change the color of your car to match your mood or outfit. Now that’s fashion. 

Live Translation Eyeglasses

Imagine walking into a room of people from all over the world and being able to translate every language spoken around you. TCL is a Chinese electronics company producing RayNeo S2 AR Glasses. They translate conversations live, directly into your ears. The glasses also include digital directions on a screen, the ability to see text messages and respond to them, and a lens camera. Experiencing new cultures will be easier than ever without the language barrier.

Smart Toilets

We’re so serious. Vivoo and Withings have developed sensors that attach to a standard toilet bowl for analyzing urine. These sensors can also keep tabs on hormones and nutrient levels. A toilet seat from Casana will measure your blood oxygen level, blood pressure, and heart rate. This seat is aptly named The Heart Seat. Are you ready to sit on a porcelain throne of smart technology?

As technology continues its march forward, we find ourselves on the precipice of a remarkable future. The Metaverse, Matter protocol, wearable wellness tech, smarter cars, and even smart toilets remind us that innovation knows no bounds. It’s a world where imagination and practicality intertwine, offering us immersive experiences and interconnectivity in unexpected ways. So, sit back, embrace the excitement, and get ready to witness the unfolding of a future that seamlessly blends convenience, curiosity, and endless possibilities.