Can’t We All Just Review Like Adults? A Peek at Goodreads Review Bombing

Can’t We All Just Review Like Adults? A Peek at Goodreads Review Bombing article cover

Ask any avid reader, or perhaps you’re one yourself – online reviews definitely matter when it comes to finding books to read. A quick scroll through Goodreads or Amazon can help us decide whether to delve into the latest thriller or skip it altogether. While honest reviews inform reading decisions (just as they do for purchasing decisions), sometimes things can take a vindictive or destructive turn with “review bombing.”

But First: What’s Goodreads and Review Bombing?

Now, you might be thinking, “Sitejabber isn’t exactly a site for book reviews, so why are we talking about this?” While you’re right, review bombing is relevant everywhere online opinions hold sway. 

For those unfamiliar, Goodreads is a popular review platform for book lovers. They rate, review, and discuss books, making it a valuable resource for readers – and a place for authors to keep an eye on public sentiment and discussions around their works. Sometimes, however, users can flood a book with negative reviews, particularly for reasons unrelated to its content. This coordinated attack is called “review bombing.”

Across industries, review bombing can be triggered by:

  • Disgruntled buyers: Upset customers may flood review platforms with negative feedback following a bad experience, even if it represents a singular or isolated incident.
  • Competitor sabotage: Malicious competitors may orchestrate fake review campaigns to harm their rival’s online reputation.
  • Social media movements: Angry public reactions to a brand’s actions or statements can sometimes translate into synchronized review bombing efforts.

The Case of Cait Corrain

In December 2023, author Cait Corrain came under fire for alleged review bombing, where they were accused of creating fake accounts on Goodreads to post negative reviews of other authors – particularly debut authors of color. 

Apparently, she reaped what she sowed, and her to-be-debut novel, “Crown of Starlight”, ended up with an avalanche of one-star reviews before it even hit shelves. Turns out, a tweet leading to discussions on social media and public controversy led to the firestorm, influencing others to pile on without reading the book. 

This incident, documented by various sources, highlights the real-world impact of review bombing.

Social Media Fuel: Why Does it Happen?

So, why do people resort to such tactics? Social media, particularly platforms like Twitter and TikTok’s BookTok, plays a big role. Trends move fast, and passionate online communities can quickly mobilize around shared opinions – especially when ethics around marginalized identities and controversial opinions are involved.

Continuing our look at the Corrain situation, here’s a peek at both sides of the argument.

Positives of review bombing:

  • Providing a sense of justice: Accusations against Corrain included unethical behavior, harming fellow authors, and perpetuating the “gatekeeping” of marginalized voices in literature. 
  • Crowd-led accountability: The widespread nature of the incident brought awareness to the potential consequences of fake reviews on authors’ careers and livelihoods.

Negatives of review bombing:

  • Instant “cancel culture”: Some argued that Corrain’s punishment was too harsh and didn’t allow for nuance or redemption.
  • Tarnishing the credibility of reviews: The incident brought up concerns about the ease of manipulation on online platforms like Goodreads and the limitations of enforcing fair review practices across the board.

The Corrain incident led to discussions about responsible online behavior, ethical engagement in fandoms, and the power of online reviews and influence. Concerns about review manipulation on Goodreads led to platform updates and ongoing debates about balancing freedom of expression with fair review practices. Meanwhile, Corrain continues to face criticism and has yet to release “Crown of Starlight.”

Understanding, but Not Excusing: Our Stance on Review Bombing

Look, we get it. Sometimes, a book disappoints you to the core, a product fails to live up to the hype, or the behavior of a brand compels you to speak up. You might feel frustrated, angry, or even betrayed. 

But review bombing hurts everyone involved. Great authors lose potential readers, trustworthy brands lose customers, trust gets eroded, and genuine reviews get drowned out.

So, How Can We Review “Like Adults”?

Here’s the real magic: constructive criticism. Instead of unleashing a one-star storm, express your disappointment thoughtfully. Mention specific aspects you disliked, explain why they didn’t work for you, and avoid personal attacks.

If you want to express criticism of an author or brand, do so in the appropriate channels, and in a respectful manner. Avoid using review platforms for messages that are irrelevant to the product itself. 

If you haven’t used a product or service but want to express your views on a particular person or business, feel free to turn to social media – expressing a range of honest opinions is part of healthy discourse. Just be sure to disclose the limited extent of your experience with them for full transparency.

Beyond the Basics: 3 Tips for Stellar Reviews

  • Context is key: Briefly mention your preferences and expectations before diving into the review. This helps others understand your perspective.
  • Highlight both strengths and weaknesses: Don’t just focus on the negative. Point out what you enjoyed, even if you ultimately didn’t like it overall.
  • Proofread, proofread, proofread! Typos and grammatical errors can undermine your thoughtful review.

By following these guidelines, we can create a review landscape that’s helpful, informative, and respectful. Make your voice heard on Sitejabber to share your honest experiences, positive or negative. Remember, your reviews have the power to influence others, so use them wisely.