Questions & Answers

Here’s what buyers have asked with answers from Zearn.org staff and previous consumers.

questions answered
answered within 1 day
Because dumb kids use this website and think its "FuN" and tells they're drooling 6 year old friends and say: "oMg JoNnY ThIs Is AMiZiNg!" and then they do that, while some are suffering from this cruel website that teachers have us do.
By ally m., over a year old

Yes on my own I know it is a pain and not worth it.
By Om L., over a year old

Because the people that created it are fucking dum
By Matteo E., over a year old

Never, always hell and will never stop being hell.
By Gamer A., over a year old

No that is not possible because it barely has the qualifications to be educational
By Kyle C., over a year old

IDK it is just sooooooooooooooooooooooooo annoying
By Brooklynn W., over a year old

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