Victoria's Secret
Questions & Answers

Did you experience any bad reactions from using Victoria's Secret?

Asked by Ben Z. on 5/12/2019

3 Answers
M S.4/23/2021

Yeah - products I've purchased in recent years are noticeably lower in quality than they once were.
Katherine W.5/12/2019

It's scam and vs and pink aren't worth the money due to both brands extremely cheap bad quality products and they have extremely low online sales and in store sales too. Nobody guys their crap online or in stores and they have fake phony reviews on the vs and pink website, fake phony reviews lying about how "great" their crappy cheap bad quality products are. Those reviews on their website just written by company and employees, not by real actual people cuz nobody buys their crap.
Kylie M.11/28/2021

I hope VS sees all of our comments & complains even though I'm sure they won't care but I seriously miss when the clothes said PINK all over them. Down the legs, on the butt, all over the hoodies. I miss the sequence & glitters on the sweat pants & hoodies, I miss the sequence covered backpacks that said PINK, I miss the adorable comforter sets & PINK bedding & plush dogs you could buy. I miss when the clothes were actually cute & the sweat suits were worth spending money on. Now they have clothes that are plain & bland thay don't even say the name of the brand on it. If I wanted a plain t shirt I would go to Walmart. After all we are paying for the name so therefore we want the name plastered all over our cute pink outfits again! & bring back the adorable duffel bags that had sequence & pink logos all over it. Bring back the velcro sandals not the cheap non velcro sandals that rip apart after a couple wears & give your feet painful blisters. Also why would I want to wear a hoodie or shirt that is also made for men in that exact same design & color? They have the same 2 boring black "pink" lettering that they have had for years. There isn't even anymore sexy/cute & girly color options. No one is going to want to spend their money on plain jane clothes with no print no VS logos or with a tiny logo the size of a penny at the bottom.of the shirt & all the ugly colors/stripes etc. Bring the cute pink outfits back! Thry just keep putting out the same boring stuff regardless of all the comments on Instagram/Facebook & everywhere else saying it's tasteless & b o r i n g!

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