Questions & Answers

Here’s what buyers have asked with answers from Upwork staff and previous consumers.

questions answered
answered within 1 day
They are horrible. Every freelancer I've gotten from Upwork has cost me more to fix the small job they have done. There's absolutely no customer service! I would stay away
By Chuck C., over a year old

This is not the place to inquire.
By Tom J., over a year old

No, just 20% of your job when we talk about fixed price, and same for hourly but after some week it's been 10%
By mahmoud s., over a year old

Go to Settings › Contact Info › Click the Close my account link. If you meet the requirements, click the button to confirm that you want to close your account.
By Rakib H., over a year old

I am a customer and have had a really horrible experience. Upwork claims a 100% guarantee before you pay anything. That is not true. The process is actually quite horrible. You put money in escrow. You only get your money back after a bad contract if the freelancer agrees to release the money. If the freelancer refuses, you get a bargain offer to still pay them something but still you are paying for a bad job you can't use. Then, if you refuse to bargain over a bad job, you are told that it will cost you an additional $389 to arbitrate with a 3rd party affiliate that the customer (me), the freelancer (scammer) and Upwork (ripoff enabler) has to pay. I took it all the way to arbitration with the end result being that Upwork decided that I was just too uninformed to know their policy and that they would give me a one time only refund of my original amount. What they didn't tell me what that they just gave me a "credit" of my original amount and that was the end. So I am still out the original amount and can't get my money back. This sight is a ripoff. Plain and simple.
By Joe S., over a year old

Because of their policy changes which are geared towards the client rather than the freelancer. They have dug their own grave with their policy changes of late.
By Ross S., over a year old

Go to Get Paid on PC or Mobile, you will see 3 dots in front of your payment method, tap to select edit/remove to change them. Go to Billing Method on PC under Billing Section and tap three dots to change (edit/remove). Thanks
By Shahzaib Z., over a year old

I agree with Sam. This place is a scam. They have bad reviews everywhere. Katrina is probably working for them!
By Tom J., over a year old

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