Here’s what buyers have asked with answers from TravelSmith staff and previous consumers.
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answered within 1 day
There's a place run by those gals on "Orange is the new black" that might broker out a sale for you.
By Jayne D., over a year old
You can return at anytime. There is no time limit for returns or exchanges.
By Tami A., over a year old
I hope they notified you via email and you still have it. Have you tried calling them? If not do so and if person you get connected to won't help cause she can't have her connect you to a manager.
Good luck
Oh and your probly irritated but if you talk to then nicely rather than angry your apt to get results.
By Terri S., over a year old
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How long does shipping take?
What is the return policy?
Where is the company located?