Tenkara Fly Shop
Questions & Answers

What is the minimum order? Can flies be tied in sizes 10 and 12? Can you do custom colors? Thank you for any consideration given to my questions.

Asked by bob l. on 3/26/2020

1 Answer
Paul A.3/30/2020

Hi Bob. First I must tell you that the store is currently down due to Corona Virus and my ability to ship. Generally: My minimum order for free shipping is $20. If you want to pay an additional shipping charge, then there is no minimum. I tie kebari in the sizes that I list because those sizes make the most sense. I will still tie in alternate sizes in some cases. Alternate colors are based upon the colors that I have in storage. I don't send out for special colors of materials due to the low margin of this business. It's mostly what you see. Thanks for your interest. Lets work to get past this pandemic so we can get back to the things we love. Yours, Jim

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