Here’s what buyers have asked with answers from staff and previous consumers.
questions answered
answered within 1 day
Does the costumer usually get their order as early as the estimated arrival time or as late
Looks like Target has sent a lot of ringers here to up their ratings in the last few months. Nice try guys but your whole shopping experience is still subpar. To answer this question, IT DEPENDS on where you live and what you order. If you're right next to their warehouse, SURPRISE, it's there in a day and you think they are fantastic. If you live far away, the item is no longer in stock or they are slow to fill it, it could take six weeks. It did for us on a couple of occasions, SO it's the luck of the draw and certainly NOT better than Amazon.
By FJ F., over a year old
How is related to target?
Is target a good place to buy glue?
Sure! A'ja; glkjadlgj 'alkd'g a'ldkg a'kl ;d ; aljdgl kajdl; kgja'dogja' ldgj'aljgd'aklg' aklgd'aldkg a'lgd
By Traci G., over a year old
Be careful. If the item suddenly becomes unavailable that you already paid for you will have to wait 30 days for your refund.
By Paula H., over a year old
Sometime from other sites, malware can be picked up to track your internet history. I don't think target's website would carry that!
By Brooke B., over a year old
I'm sorry. I ordered a lot from and never had a problembefore, but when I finally did have a problem... hours and days on the phone. One of the service techs put me on hold for 30 minutes. Another put me on hold for 15 minutes and then hung up. Horrible.
By Joe A., over a year old
I was unable to purchase a prepaid phone card with my gift card. This fact was not disclosed in the product description so I found out at the checkout when it was too late. Now am stuck with the useless gift card.
I am very disappointed in Target shopping and will never buy anything from them ever again. I do not recommend Target shopping to anyone. Spare yourself some aggravation and shop elsewhere. Enough said.
By Anna S., over a year old
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How long does shipping take?
What is the return policy?
Where is the company located?