Questions & Answers

I would like to know the difference between the T4Trade privilege and premium account?

Asked by Sandile Molepo S. on 11/16/2024

2 Answers
Ignacio S.11/28/2024

Guess it's better to enter the website, but since you are asking, then there is not much difference, hehehe. Spreads are believed to be tighter, but I am sure even if you are on the premium account they can be anyway tight, like, for instance, when it's calm on the matrket, but don't mess it up with the calm before the storm =DD
Before the storm they are tend to widening much that it's impossible to trade whatsoever, like sessions overlaps, some event and all that.
Clint M.11/21/2024

The differences between the T4Trade privilege account and the T4Trade premium accounts are not very clear. I think you should contact their
Customer support; these guys reply rather fast. I'd recommend them to someone who would like further information about the team.

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