Here’s what buyers have asked with answers from Studybay staff and previous consumers.
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answered within 1 day
Hey! The experts are perfectly aware that plagiarism will mean an immediate ban. Our mission is to help, not to harm If you need, we may provide a plagiarism report along with a final paper.
By Nia B., over a year old
كام عدد بزر جوا بطيخه
Sure! In that case, you'll have to provide detailed explanation of what's been done incorrectly, or alternatively you may provide negative feedback from your prof :)
By Sophie G., over a year old
I'm sure our experts can help you with that! You may create a project right now: just go to our website and the system will guide you :)
By Sophie G., over a year old
Why I cant access studybay
Hey there, that is strange! If it is possible, reach out via, we will get back to you within 5 minutes
By Nia B., over a year old
Hello! Here is the process. You have to pay for the project upfront, yet we store the funds in the bank (in other words, they are on hold, and we cannot access them). Once our 20-day warranty passed, we finally place them in an expert's account. Let us know if you have any questions, please!
By Nia B., over a year old
Urgent deadlines will not be an issue for us! You may simply place a request on our main page - the system will create a free account. Easy, right?
By Nia B., over a year old
नमस्ते! Studybay is a worldwide platform, so you may easily fill out the accreditation form. Don't forget to include your professional credentials and writing samples (along with a degree, please). Best of luck!
By Nia B., over a year old
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