Questions & Answers

Greetings, First I would like to say there is a ton of great information provided that people need to know, thank you. The site is very well put together and user friendly. From the start I was drawn in and researching integrity randomly as I continued. I saw good reviews on Scambuster usters as well so I am excited to be a subscriber now and also interested in purchasing the offered package at the new subscriber rate! Although, I am seeking clarification on a few things before providing further information. 1) How long have you been in business and what is your average yearly growth rate percent? 2)) I do not see a PayPal option so can I mail a money order as a form of payment or am I missing something? 3) It has been explained to me several times https has virtually replace http and to ensure a URL is secured with https. I am going to school in IT related fields and understand this is not to claim ALL http sites are "bad". Though, I notice you have http and would like to ask the decision to not transfer to https after made availble. After reading through your information, I am enlightened. However, I understand how serious and scary this stuff is and my senses are on scam alert so it is not easy to turn over card information when I have a family with 6 kids. Thank you for your time. I will wait your reply before making my finial decision of any purchases. Have a blessed day! Respectfully, Linda (Please forgive possible spelling errors as a spell check is not available and I am on a time crunch to review it all right now.)

Asked by Linda T. on 6/4/2016

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