Questions & Answers

I need y dresses asap! They were meant to arrive 5 days ago! Shipping tracker not found in my country still! What is going on

Asked by Amber T. on 8/26/2015

8 Answers
Naise A.8/27/2015

Amber you won't receive it or you will receive something and you will want a refund because the clothes look like s@#t! You may just get a piece of fabric not even sawn on!
Then you are going to request a refund and they will tell you that you will need to pay for the shipping and to re-consider the refund as it is not worth the extra fee (weird).
Once you send it back they will pretend that they have never received it even though I sent mine back on registered mail and someone actually signed for it and I got notified. I don't think I will ever see my money back!
They are a bunch or scumbags!
Shellie I.8/27/2015

It took my item about 4 weeks to arrive, from a remote village in China!
What you have ordered will not look like what was in their website. My garment went straight in the bin... it was actually funny. The way it was sewn, fabric, cut, design - laughable.
Don't waste your time waiting for your dresses. You are better off to count your losses and spend the time now hunting down some REAL BARGAINS IN YOUR LOCAL AREA, that are what you really love
Lisa W.8/27/2015

There are many people saying this. That was not my issue per se. Mine was with what I got as the end result. Nothing, seriously nothing I could wear. I hope this does not happen to you and I hope they find it soon. Go to and look up reviews. There are more there about lost or missing items than complaints like mine. They seriously need to be shut down from doing business in this country. Their website looks good the clothes, no joke are terrible.
Good luck and go to their website and find the reviews.
Di M.8/27/2015

Dont hold your breath. The previous comments sum it up completely.
Scarlett P.8/27/2015

Maybe u will still get it but probably a few months later, and what you get is probably some cheap looking shit. When i wrote my review complaining about the shipping and the quality of their clothes, they wrote a bunch of shit to justify themselves. Instead of spending time making up excuses, they should really learn how to do a legitimate business.
claydine f.8/27/2015

Amber you will not get it. Bunch of thieves
Kandy B.8/28/2015

I filed a claim with paypal and rec'd a full refund for 2 dresses. They did arrive however where poor quality and took over 2 mos to arrive. My advise Amber do not count on receiving the items within the shipping timeframe, open a dispute with paypal and after 20 days escalate to claim, to get a full refund. Dont even both with customer care with rosewe, cant read or write english and lies upon lies they will tell u... CHINESE THEIVES
Lina L.8/28/2015

I used paypal to make my purchase and they were incredible. Got a full refund.

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