was does this product suck?
Asked by pieceof j. on 6/28/2017
4 Answers
- -.3/26/2018
It does not work the way it is presented on T. V. The inability to immediately respond "LIVE" to an event renders it useless.
Greg W.8/8/2019
Don't believe the TV ads. Mine has never ever come close to performing the same. When it was brand new it didn't work like the TV ads, but it was kindo of ok. But now after a little over a year it barely works properly at all. Just read all of the other reviews and you will get the picture. Expensive waste.
Vanessa A.6/3/2018
I don't care if customer service ppl are jerks... as long as they can fix the problem. Problem is they can't fix anything because the product sucks!
Tami R.5/29/2018
If there were competent people in customer service that cared about the customer it may be a better product
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