Questions & Answers

Here’s what buyers have asked with answers from PlayerAuctions staff and previous consumers.

questions answered
answered within 1 day
You don't want to buy from them.
By Derek Y., over a year old

Just don't use their service. Trust me, you will save a lot of your nerves and time if you don't.
By Marko M., over a year old

How to get started. Click the URL bar and type anything other than your terrible website. Unless you want to be scammed to lose time and money, in which case go ahead and continue using
By Dustin S., over a year old

Maybe this will help: Regardless they have terrible Customer Service. Their english is not proficient to be doing business in the US and their work ethic is just terrible. It's a shame that they show the stereotypical greed of chinese who just does it for money and doesn't care what gets in the way and cuts too many corners to be acceptable to be called "The world’s safest player to player trading marketplace for WOW Gold, Runescape Gold, Guild Wars 2 Gold, ArcheAge Gold, CS: GO items and much more."
By Derek Y., over a year old

Don't do business with this company, they stole my money after my account was recovered merely a month later -- I'll be reporting them to the BBB after tonight.
By Rob M., over a year old

Hello Mikael. Could you please try accessing the site again on a different browser? It might have just been a temporary website server issue, and this might be sorted out already. If you continue to have problems with this, please take a screenshot of where there seems to be an issue, then send it along with your username to
By PlayerAuctions T., over a year old

Absolutely. As a buyer, your payment is secure with us and will not be released to the seller until you click confirm on our website, once you have decided that the item/gold/account that you bought is good and complete. If you find any problems with the sale, you may dispute it and if the sale you received is not as described, you will be issued a refund. As a seller, your payment will be released once buyer is satisfied with the sale, and this guarantees that you will receive payment as opposed to transacting blindly on the internet with someone you don't know. In the case of disputes, if you've proven that you were able to deliver the sale successfully and as described, you will get the payment. Please note that we enact the User Assumption of Risk as stated in the front page of our website, in that we cannot guarantee that all trades will be free from risks. However, by carefully securing your order and being wary of scamming attempts, together with our team's efforts to secure an order, this can be thoroughly mitigated. I can elaborate more if you'd like, just post another question, Sabrina.
By PlayerAuctions T., over a year old

They will make sure you don't get refunded. Be sure of that. There sites a massive scammed just Google them...
By Jay e., over a year old

Hi Ashraful, Our email address is: Sorry, but usernames cannot be changed. Please email us if you have other questions. Regards, Richard
By PlayerAuctions T., 5 months ago

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