Questions & Answers

Is PhastekPerformance a scam or a legit company?

Asked by George C. on 9/13/2019

8 Answers
Ricardo S.1/18/2020

Legit company based in Texas, with warehouses around the states
Memo L.10/4/2020

Phastek Performance is a legitimate company. Great first experience, hope product holds as expected.
M C.5/15/2020

Legitimate... Definitely would recommend to anyone.
John F.5/12/2020

Very Legit company for sure. Used by the best builders of Camaros. Highly rated and very reasonably priced for the quality they provide.
Dalton B.11/5/2019

They aren't a scam but they are trash. Horrible customer service.
Leon D.10/9/2019

They're legit I've ordered from them a couple times already and so have some friends of mine.
David H.10/1/2019

Its legit. Honestly it rivals Summit racing when it comes to buying parts that relate to the appearance of my vehicle.
Adam J.9/13/2019

Legit company easy check out. Fast delivery.
An email to make sure the part would fit and work on my car.

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