Questions & Answers

Is NUKE HEADS a scam or a legit company?

Asked by Stephen T. on 10/8/2021

5 Answers
Pamela W.10/16/2023

They are definitely legit and the BEST‼I have never had a problem with anything I ordered. Prompt and excellent customer service.
Kate F.5/12/2023

Not legit. White label bank that re-labels mass purchased beans into packages of who knows what. Avoid
Baba booey N.11/30/2022

Legit but they charge you $25 just to start shipping going up from there each strain you add cost $10. Fifty seeds cost $40-50 to ship bogus bs policy they changed since my previous purchases
Victor L.1/20/2022

Ilgm, croop kings and herbies head shop all reputable seedbanks are legit. I attempted a ordered from nukeheads... before I put the order in they asked for my social security number wtf? So to nukehead genetics since all u care about is Reviews and forging them can I have my refund?!
Brian D.10/8/2021

Legit, out of Colorado I've ordered using mesh and gift card method without issue

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