Questions & Answers

Here’s what buyers have asked with answers from MyLostPetAlert staff and previous consumers.

questions answered
answered within 1 day
Time is critical, and we work fast - during normal hours, we will typically have your alert completed within 1 hour.
By James E., over a year old

You can start an alert for your lost pet here:
By James E., over a year old

Thank you for the question Iram. We of course cannot guarantee the return of your pet, but our service gets your pets photo and information out to thousands of eyeballs and ears located in the area they went missing. It can only benefit and increase your chances of recovery - an alert done within 5 days of your pet going missing has an average 85% success rate.
By James E., over a year old

Live chat does not have a defined schedule and our phone system is not intended for customer support. If you have a sales question or questions about your alert, you can always email us at
By James E., over a year old

Yes, 100%. I did it several days later. I should have done it the same day! Your pet can be picked up by someone who is taking care of it or at a vet office. This site 100% works. At the very least do the woof plan!
By Will M., over a year old

I'm sorry for the delay in my answer. I hope this message is in waste and your pet has returned. But just in case - it cost me $50 to have calls, flyers, contacts to Vets in the area all done by this site. As I said, I don't know with 100 percent certainty that my cat came home because of this site but it just seems odd to me that within hours of the calls going out (my neighbors confirmed they got a call) my cat came running home to me. I wish you all the luck in locating your pet. I don't believe it is ever too late. When I was a child, I had a purebred Irish Setter that was stolen from our yard. I thought I would never see him again and yet he came home 6 months after being taken!
By MaryAnn M., over a year old

I live in a city that is quite small, and I went with the rural package. It's possible for an animal to travel a long distance, but the odds for that aren't very high. A rural package should be sufficient.
By Julia F., over a year old

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