Here’s what buyers have asked with answers from My Choice Software staff and previous consumers.
questions answered
answered within 1 day
We would like to assist in resolving this issue. Can you please send your order information to That way we can have our support staff look into your order and provide an updated.
Best regards,
Alex A.
MCS Support
By Nathan M., over a year old
Yes, Microsoft Office 2010 Home and Business licenses will indeed be valid in Canada.
By Nathan M., over a year old
Are the licenses valid in Canada?
We are a registered partner of Microsoft and deal with them directly for all of our licensing. Once the product key is sent to you, a set of instructions will guide you to to redeem your license and tie it to you Microsoft account.
Please contact me if you have any other questions or concerns.
Best regards,
Alex A.
(800) 318-1439 Ext. 99
By Nathan M., over a year old
I'd like a copy of Office 2010 and prefer receiving it on a CD so I can reload if necessary
Jens D.,
We offer several Office 2010 products. Retail boxes and download products are both available. Here is a link to our selection of Office 2010 products.
We can also be reach by phone Monday-Friday between the hours of 6am-5pm PST, or you can contact us by email 7 days a week
Best regards,
Alex A.
MCS Support
By Nathan M., over a year old
We purchase in bulks of 10-12,000 units directly from Microsoft, have numerous reseller certificates, and only mark the products up an average of 2% from our purchase price. This is how we can sell so many of our products at nearly half the cost of retail price.
Kind Regards,
Julian Hamood
General Manager
By Nathan M., over a year old
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