Movavi Software Inc.
Questions & Answers

Here’s what buyers have asked with answers from Movavi Software Inc. staff and previous consumers.

questions answered
answered within 1 day
Hello! We apologize for any inconvenience. Please contact our support team (Open Movavi official website, click on "Support Center" and then "Submit a request") and describe your problem in detail. We will help you resolve this issue. Best regards, Movavi team.
By Movavi S., over a year old

Hello! It means that when you save your created project as an audio file, only half the audio length is saved. Please note that this restriction does not apply to saving video files. Thank you, Movavi team.
By Movavi S., over a year old

Hello! 1. All licenses of our software are for one PC. The only exception is the Business License of the Movavi Video Suite - this program can be installed on 2 PCs. 2. Yes, Photo Manager is included in Photo Editor Suite. Thank you, Movavi team.
By Movavi S., over a year old

Ciao, IMOVIE è il primo passo. Passare a Movavi se ti sai un po muovere, è il passo successivo. Più opportunità, più strumenti e decisamente migliore del basico IMOVIE. Spero di esserti stato utile. La versione di prova vale 7 giorni e penso che siano sufficienti per scaricarlo gratuitamente e provarlo. Buon divertimento. PS è comunque un programma perfettibile, è di fascia media.
By ROBERTO C., over a year old

1- آمن جدا 2- خالي من الفيروسات 3-يوفر للمستخدم حماية جيدة 4- اعتراض المتسللين 5- لا تسمح لأي فيروس بالدخول إلى جهازك
By ابوخالد ا., over a year old

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How long does shipping take?
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Where is the company located?