Monster Fairings
Questions & Answers

Is Monster Fairings a scam or a legit company?

Asked by Dan O. on 7/20/2019

6 Answers
Kevin R.11/11/2020

They're legit. Fast and reliable customer service and outstanding products. You won't be disappointed.
Andrew N.11/6/2020

Its a legit company. I bought my fairings from them.
Lyle N.11/5/2020

Totally legitimate legitimate company with great service.
Jason R.6/7/2020

It is a legit company that's will answer all questions or worries you have emailed to them and they even answer in the weekends and quick I mean like within the hour or by the day for sure
Kyle I.1/8/2020

Definitely a legit company - I purchased and received my products :)
sydney w.7/20/2019

Defiantly a legit company, I've purchased a full fairing kit, and im very happy!

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