Questions & Answers

Here’s what buyers have asked with answers from MelanieToniaEvans staff and previous consumers.

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Hi Ed, all painful relationships with self, others and life can be traced back to the origins of trauma trapped in our bodies that can be tracked through to and released with the NARP Program. The only criteria necessary is that the person in question fully realises that they have inner trauma that can be attended to and is willing to do the work within NARP to achieve that. I hope that answers your question. Mel x
By Melanie E., over a year old

Hello Mary, the modules are a recorded healing session with Melanie that you listen to. They are designed to help you connect with your body, experience your emotions productively so that you can release them and through this, help to connect with your wound and vulnerabilities so that you can heal them and will not be so susceptible to manipulative personalities. It's very easy and it doesn't require that you believe in past lives. You don't have to have a particular set of beleifs to use NARP. It's very flexible.
By Gladice P., over a year old

Hi Cecilia, it is 3 hours. Also, know that you can download the recording and watch it in chunks if necessary. I hope this helps. Mel x
By Melanie E., over a year old

Hi Natalie, I am not quite sure what your question is? Can you please email and one of my lovely staff can answer your questions for you. Cheers Melanie x
By Melanie E., over a year old


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I don't know if this answer will help you. But here goes. The Soul is a person. The Spirit is the communication to God through his son Jesus christ, so when we send our thoughts, feelings in Prayer it goes to the highest power God. We are born in his image, ( in other words a part of him) so we have the power in us to change by a thought (Quantum physics) and believeing it will be so, taking opportunity's that present themselves to you, thenyou will soon come to see how good thoughts can change one's life. What Mel is doing is tapping into that power. (Quantum Physics)
By Kim N., over a year old

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