Questions & Answers

are your watches new or pre-owned? how do I know which is which?

Asked by rajiv c. on 6/21/2018

6 Answers
Roee A.6/25/2018

Hello Rajiv,
Thank you for the interest in our products.
Pre-owned items are marked pre-owned, otherwise the item is brand new.
Robert B.10/1/2019

All watches are in a watch case, in order of style, age, new to old..
Katya D.4/18/2019

Watches are new. They would be obligated to tell you if they were pre owned.
Gil C.3/1/2019

Brand new, right out the box with a five (5) year warranty. You can't beat that!
Mike R.1/16/2019

New unless otherwise stated. Each description states which.
A A.1/5/2019

Avoid them if you can. See my review on a recent order they disguised as new. If you do purchase from them, check right away since you have 5 days to return for defectives (used)

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