Questions & Answers

Here’s what buyers have asked with answers from JadeBloom staff and previous consumers.

questions answered
answered within 1 day
Hello, Diane! Thank you for your question! Jade Bloom does not use any synthetic ingredients in our essential oils, they are all 100% pure therapeutic grade. You can see this information by checking the GC/MS reports we post on all of our product pages. In addition, we only source organic raw materials for distillation:) Let us know if you have any further questions, comments, or concerns. We are always happy to help!
By Jade B., over a year old

Hey there! Thank you so much for your order with us! We would love to look into this for you. Orders typically arrive in 3 business days.:) Please contact our customer service line 10am-7pm MST Monday-Friday and they can pull up your account and make sure your order arrives safely.
By Jade B., over a year old

Hello Valerie! Thanks for your question. :) Most of our customers are either former, or current Young Living Customers. They confirm on a daily basis the fact that our quality meets and in some cases surpasses the quality of Young Living's essential oils. One of the reasons we're able to charge significantly less for our oils is the fact that we do not adhere to the Multi Level Marketing business model that Young LIving adheres to. Our oils are 100% pure and we do not use chemicals or dilute our oils in any way. We harvest our plants and seeds from all over the world in the best indigenous locations. We created a video that discusses this very question in detail. You can view it here: https://vimeo.com/145230226 Here is a list of blends we currently offer and how they compare to Young Living blends: PROTECT compares to Thieves RELIEF compares to Breathe Again UNWIND compares to Stress Away WELL-BEING compares to Valor BOOST compares to En-R-Gee SOOTHE compares to PanAway DELIGHT compares to Joy CITRUS compares to Citrus Fresh TRIM compares to Slique DIGEST compares to Digize CLEANSE compares to Purification ALLEVIATE compares to M-Grain EMPOWER compares to Progessence Plus
By Jade B., over a year old

Try Jade Bloom University, all the answers you seek are there. Also in the Jade Bloomers Facebook Group.
By Jason B., over a year old

Only the ones that state that they are. Not many from Jade Bloom are best I can tell but I think there may be a blend or two that include a carrier oil, however they also clearly state that. When the bottle simply says 100% Peppermint essential oil for instance that should mean it does not contain a carrier and since this company does list a carrier in one or two cases it indicates to me they abide by this rule. Hope this helps
By Gwyn E., over a year old

Hey there! Thank you so much for your question. We have been around since August of 2014. :)
By Jade B., over a year old

While I was just noticing the same thing, the similarity in both reviews, it is also true that it's a very common phrase and sentiment among essential oil users who use them medicinally. So it's hard to say, there are several similarities in the two reviews not just that phrase but they are also probably common patterns (comparing quality, having friends in their EO circle try it also) dedicated users might follow. At least those who are in it for the medicinal benefits over profit and happy to switch companies for a lower price so not married to their supplier based on financial gain but rather based on quality and value.
By Gwyn E., over a year old

Hello Cindy! We're very sorry to hear that you haven't received your order. Typically most orders arrive between 3 and 5 business days from the date of purchase. If you ever experience a delayed shipment, please contact Jade Bloom's Customer Service Department via email at support@jadebloom.com or by phone at 844-787-3645 anytime between 10 AM and 5 PM MST Monday through Friday. Alternatively, you can live chat for immediate service from any page of our website during business hours. They will promptly resolve your issue.
By Jade B., over a year old

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