Here’s what buyers have asked with answers from iTunes staff and previous consumers.
questions answered
answered within 1 day
Is the 1 yr $49.95 Special running right now for everything offered & what are the "catches"?
If you only have PC/Android devices, they will take your money and not honor any specials/deals!
By Elizabeth G., over a year old
All music are free on here?
Forget iTunes. Google free mp3 and tons of sites come up. Be careful though, lots of phishing with those. Do NOT download software. It's not necessary and if the site says you need it, get out. Another easy way is google convert youtube to mp3, find your song on youtube, most are there, and use any number of sites to convert the audio to mp3 versions.
Downloading BTW is legal. UPLoading copyright protected stuff is not. But many of these sites are not in the USA and our laws don't apply.
By Jenny M., over a year old
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How long does shipping take?
What is the return policy?
Where is the company located?