Hello, I currently have a vaulted ceiling with R-19 fiberglass insulation in between the 2 x 8 x 24" O. C. I will be re-roofing soon by removing the existing cedar shakes and leaving the 1 x 6 spaced sheathing, I am considering placing Prodex insulation atop the existing 1 x 6 sheathing and then top nailing 4 x 8 sheets of OSB to sandwich the Prodex between the 1 x 6 and the 1/2" OSB. Do you see any problem with this application? Thanks, Ben (530) 979-0487
Asked by Ben N. on 9/2/2016
1 Answer
CustomerService I.9/3/2016
Sounds good. Please see page: http://www.insulation4less.com/InsulationMethods-7-Roofing-click-for-Installation-Instructions.aspx
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