Questions & Answers

My account was deleted for inactivity in July. What happens to the money i made?

Asked by Dave B. on 11/5/2015

5 Answers
Susanne S.11/5/2015

This is one of the questions I pondered when I was taken for a ride by Inboxdollars. While NO ANSWER WAS FORTHCOMING FROM THE USUAL PARADE OF... supporters and staff there (look at the "repeat defenders of this atrocious business, I THINK you can safely assume it's gone to pay those who sit there and ENABLE THIS THEFT TO CONTINUE... i. e. The EMPLOYEES.
Not sure whether they pool all the TAKES, and divvy it up at days end HEY KIDS, HERE'S YOUR BONUS, or if it goes to the top of the food chain (top canine). Otherwise I'm not sure what's in it for those "participants" who respond so quickly propping up/fiercely defending the indefensible business ethics of INBOXDOLLARS - one might logically or reasonably assume they're rewarded with FIRST CRACK AT THE NEW SURVEYS, with seldom a reject slip. But who knows. Perhaps you can ask THOSE individuals or the little worker bees on computers that enable this to go on, day in/day out. On the other hand, if any 'supporters/employees of this business told me it was raining... I'd look out the window BEFORE I grabbed my umbrella.
Member S.11/16/2015

Dear Dave,
You should contact LiveChat for more assistance but an account can be deleted/removed for inactivity on the account for a period of 6 months or more of if the account was in a violation of the terms.
Accounts are never randomly deleted without cause so if you reach out to LiveChat they can review and escalate your inquiry if further review is needed.
We have more information in our Terms of Membership:
Evan K.11/5/2015

If they don't respond, report it to BBB as Sarah J. Mentioned. This site is a little crooked, so having an outside organization helping is a good idea. Although BBB doesn't always help (e.g. With an Amazon book scammer they didn't help).
Nicholas C.11/5/2015

You lose it.
Sarah J.11/5/2015

You should report this to inboxdollars It's a help center with inboxdollars. I wish I new what else to tell you or report them to the better businessBureau. I'm beginning to get fed up with inboxdollars myself.

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