my husband lost his job unexpectedly based on his age, not provable - he has exceptional manufacturing experience - what are his true chances of a job
Asked by s t. on 1/1/2020
1 Answer
iHire -.1/3/2020
Hello and thank you for this important question.
It's unfortunate that this situation happens all too often, and there's no simple or easy answer. Some factors that affect how easy or difficult it is to find a new job include location, industry, specialized experience, salary requirements, and willingness to travel or relocate among many others.
The fact is that, despite being illegal, age discrimination is real and affects many who are active in the workforce or looking for a position. It's something we've examined here at iHire and published survey results related to this issue:
However, there are good reasons to have hope. In our experience, we've seen that proactive job seekers who invest real effort into learning, growing, and networking are able to leverage their experience and skills and overcome even difficult obstacles like age discrimination.
For example, we encourage all job seekers to get registered on to find their community and upload their resume so they can generate a portfolio and use our free resume builder tool for a stellar resume that they can use anywhere.
There's also an incredible wealth of free information, tips, guides, and infographics in our section. The information and tips in these articles have been real game-changers for many job seekers who went on to find jobs they love.
We know it's not easy and losing one's job because of ageism can make it especially hard, but we would certainly encourage anyone who is interested in finding a new opportunity to not give up, to stay proactive, and to always be learning. With that in mind, we feel optimistic about his chances, especially given his exceptional manufacturing experience.
Thank you for your question!
It's unfortunate that this situation happens all too often, and there's no simple or easy answer. Some factors that affect how easy or difficult it is to find a new job include location, industry, specialized experience, salary requirements, and willingness to travel or relocate among many others.
The fact is that, despite being illegal, age discrimination is real and affects many who are active in the workforce or looking for a position. It's something we've examined here at iHire and published survey results related to this issue:
However, there are good reasons to have hope. In our experience, we've seen that proactive job seekers who invest real effort into learning, growing, and networking are able to leverage their experience and skills and overcome even difficult obstacles like age discrimination.
For example, we encourage all job seekers to get registered on to find their community and upload their resume so they can generate a portfolio and use our free resume builder tool for a stellar resume that they can use anywhere.
There's also an incredible wealth of free information, tips, guides, and infographics in our section. The information and tips in these articles have been real game-changers for many job seekers who went on to find jobs they love.
We know it's not easy and losing one's job because of ageism can make it especially hard, but we would certainly encourage anyone who is interested in finding a new opportunity to not give up, to stay proactive, and to always be learning. With that in mind, we feel optimistic about his chances, especially given his exceptional manufacturing experience.
Thank you for your question!
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