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answered within 1 day
As with the others I would agree. Its a money making scam. If they were operating in the UK (and I guess the US) they would have been arrested by now. There are good sites around. This is not one of them. PS I am married to a Vietnam girl found on another site
By Alan A., over a year old

Chercher ailleurs. C'est une escroquerie.
By Guy G., over a year old

If you were to read the fine print they even admit as much! Think carefully about what they are saying here, I copied and pasted this directly: 4 Fees chargeable to Lady Members Our member Sites never charge lady members fees by whatsoever description, directly or indirectly. Please bear in mind, however, there may exist service agreement between lady member & service provider by which, for example, contingency fee payable to service provider. Our member Site(s) is never a party to those agreements, if any, nor in a position to disallow, discourage or investigate into the same. URL:
By Anthony G., over a year old

Basically the predominant number of the women on Profile are the manipulated 'Characters' of the local Agency they appear onto iDate. There are some few Agencies (not the bigger Chinese owned and named ones) that have listings of real people. Look for the Profiles with genuine 'natural' pictures, rather than the artificial Studio pictures, done by the Studio attached to the Agencies. Also look for the context of dialogue in the Profile. Areal person's description will most likely be awkward and stilted in English, whereas the dialogue that comes out of the Agency manipulated Profile persons is generally all flowery, suggestive and 'lovey-dovey'. Mainly the Profiles on these sites are falsehoods and a simple money making scam.
By Richard G., over a year old

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