Questions & Answers

yea i have a question. why do u ban people for being correct about hockey? seriously ridiculously out of control moderators. especially soupyfin.

Asked by john l. on 3/30/2018

3 Answers
rob p.4/8/2019

It's because they employ a bunch of children for mods. It's even funnier when you send an email to their contact info. They aren't adults, that's for sure.
Gary O.4/13/2019

Best part is the mods hide behind a shitty anon account when issuing bans. You can't even message them after the fact to find out what you did to deserve it.
That being said it's clear they have no idea how to moderate anything based on how easy it is to circumvent bans whenever you want.
sam p.12/10/2019

Mods are a joke, they ban you for having a opinion.

Bans and warning should only be issues for cursing and being abusive to other members, not petty stuff like having a strong opinion on things.

This is a joke site, run by overzealous mods, with huge sticks up their butt. Stasi or Gestapo would have been proud of these moderators.

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