Questions & Answers

Is it a scam? As some sites are suggesting

Asked by Pamela R. on 4/9/2015

25 Answers
Anne N.7/13/2015

I signed up with Guruaid today. I declined the 3 year and 2 year deal so they offered a 1 year deal at an acceptable cost. My laptop is new and I didn't know how to set it up in order to get the best out of it. They did a great job, cleaned up, tuned up, set up Windows Defender and saved me buying unnecessary protection from another provider. I was very impressed with the service and very disappointed to read that some consider them a scam. I hope this is not the case.
Donna G.4/13/2015

Guru Aid is not a scam. I have them clean and tune up my computer about every 4 to 6 weeks. It does take a couple of hours and you have to sit in front of your computer but you can see them doing the work. They keep my computer virus free and running much better. I've been impressed with their technicians. GuruAid gets thumbs up from me!
John B.4/10/2015

I had had them work on my computer recently I found them polite very professional. They worked on my computer for several hrs.
They answered all my concerns I certainly do not regret using them
Amanda C.4/9/2015

Pamela ~ GuruAid has saved me so many times! I can't say enough good things about them. Be prepared to sit in front of your computer for a few hours. But, in the long run ~ it's worth it. There's other tech companies calling to tell me there's something wrong with my computer. They want you to get into your programs and download who knows what. So, obviously I don't trust those phone calls, so I tell them I'm with GuruAid and have been with 2 years now. They say GuruAid are scammers. It's kinda funny... The customer service is excellent at GuruAid ~ very professional and polite. Don't hesitate ~ they're the real deal!
Mary S.8/10/2018

I just renewed for 3 years ( $399.99) and I have used them for 7 years. They are experts I can access any time I need them and they fix all issues. I highly recommend them. They take the stress out of having a computer. They encourage me to call every 30 days for them to go over to be sure everything works perfectly. Very professional and helpful. They explain everything as they work. At $11.08/ month, they are cheaper than HP tech support and well worth the money! They also fix my printer and scanner as part of the deal.
Julian B.4/10/2015

Not a scam at all they are very professional in manner. They aren't absolute geniusus in getting rid of real, weird persistent problems but do clean and facilitate your computer back to 'normal' speed & functioning.
They are asked to see yu things, at the end, but jjust say a firm 'no; unless you want to take up their offers'. They are kindly; i. E. understand it when you say no! :) They have just been told to mention it (but is an annoying feature in the last few months, compared to before)
Paul O.4/10/2015

Hi Pamela, I've used Guruaid for a couple of years now and can say that they are NOT a scam. The latest problem I had with my computer took them 4 to 5 hours to fix, everything now is back to normal. You get what you pay for and I believe it's money well spent. I hope this helps!
David K.4/9/2015

Pamela R., GuruAid is reputable, reliable and trustworthy. I've only had a computer for about a year and a half, and I needed help. After being online for a month, I got hit by the Trojan Virus. An identity theft was fortunately thwarted, but I was still having problems. I had no idea what I was up against, and it took 3 technical support groups to find exactly what the trouble was. GuruAid was the third group of technicians that finally found and eradicated not only the Trojan Virus, but also other viral and malware invasions that has attacked my system as well. Their customer service staff is extremely polite and friendly. They take time to ascertain your situation, whether you suspect a potential problem, or simply need a run though and general clean up. My contract with GuruAid includes upper level technical support when needed at no further charge. I can call them up any time I have a question or concern, and the advice I receive has always been tremendous. Their remote access and chat mode during the entire process, is superior to taking your computer and leaving it with some one however skilled, to eventually get around to fixing your software needs at their convenience. Remote access is always courteously requested beforehand, and if at any time you're uncomfortable during any part of the procedure, you are able to end the session at any time. I have never had to do this ever! Depending on your computer's servicing needs, it can take some time. Be patient! These skilled technicians are extremely fast once they get going. I have Windows 8.1 upgrade, and found that Windows Defender and MalwareBytes has been the best protection for my computer, and GuruAid provided the installation for the anti malware, at no charge. Of course there's malicious hackers out there who will call you saying they are your computer's technical support team, or even say they're from Microsoft. They may say, "Just give us access to your computer and we'll fix a detected problem in a matter of 5-10 minutes." Wrong! Neither Microsoft, nor GuruAid will call you. You call your capable colleagues at GuruAid. They have the expertise you can always depend on. I will always be a more than satisfied client.
David B.4/9/2015

Hi Pam. I used them 1 time so far and they were able to take care of the issues I was having on my old laptop and an incompatible program install on my new one, which they were able to get working. I only signed up for 1 year though. They will try to talk you into getting the 3 year plan. I told them no. Want to see how the 1st. Year goes. Hope this helps.
Gregory H.4/9/2015

Hi Pamela, please do not believe those websites about Guruaid being a scam. It is absolutely NOT a scam. It is a life saver. I have been using them for the past year. I was a bit hesistant to join at first for the obvious reasons, however, I am glad that I had taken the chance. I am a doctoral student attending courses online. If I did not have Guruaid, my status in school would have been jeopardized. I had to submit a significant assignment last night and my lap top caught a virus at the same time preventing me from accessing the internet and anything on the computer. The Rep from Guruaid dialed in through the safe mode and fixed the issue in 35 mins. As a result I was able to submit on ttime. The staff is extremely friendly, and have the ability to fix any issue presented, while keeping you calm, and stress free. It is a life saver and worth every penny. They also give you the option of disconnecting anytime you want. It's a great thing Pamela. You will not be disappointed.

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