Questions & Answers

Why was my review of your site removed it was true and accurate and not at all deceptive. You had let a member of my past family use your site to advertise defamatory and deceitful information about my person on your site and when I complained it was in full view of anyone on the internet for all time you made it so anyone wanting to accesss her profile where she had put this out there for all, it dissapeared but only as far as someone could see it if they approached her as the owner an manager of her profile and then the same info could be accessed... dont you like the truth about this nasty site and what it allows

Asked by glennis m. on 7/3/2015

1 Answer
Theo R.12/23/2015

Geni doesn't accept any critical comment about the site, the customerservice or the management. Geni has regarding that the mentality of North Korea!
Every free user, paying user and even every curator who publish negative comment will be suspended and indefinitely blocked to work on Geni!

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