Here’s what buyers have asked with answers from Established Titles staff and previous consumers.
questions answered
answered within 1 day
Where is the directory of plot members, so I can look up my plot numbers and find my land on maps?
Thank you kindly for writing to us.
We are saddened to say that we do not yet offer a map of the plots; however, we are indeed looking to make this available soon and we will be sure to let you know at the earliest when it is available!
Do let us know if there is anything else we may be able to assist you with today.
By Established Titles A., over a year old
Yes, completely legit. You own one square foot of land. Congratulations!
By Catherine R., over a year old
Please be patient, with this corona virus in all countries, delivery will take longer than usual. It took awhile for my certificate to arrive also. Be patient.
By Howard B., over a year old
Thank you kindly for writing to us.
We are saddened to say that we do not yet offer a map of the plots; however, we are indeed looking to make this available soon and we will be sure to let you know at the earliest when it is available!
Do let us know if there is anything else we may be able to assist you with today.
By Established Titles A., over a year old
You don't actually buy land. You buy virtual land, so you would not be able to go to the spot and say that you own this and that you can do what you want there.
By Lalana K., over a year old
You only own it virtually, not in real life. So I don't know if seeing where your virtual land is important.
By Lalana K., over a year old
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Where is the company located?