Darius Cordell
Questions & Answers

How easy is it to get a hold of customer service at DariusCordell?

Asked by Elizabeth S. on 11/15/2019

3 Answers
Chantal C.10/12/2021

They are not responsive, when they do respond they are rude, they use bullying techniques, fake positive reviews to drown negative ones, they blocked me when I was trying to get answers from them after I found out their address online is not a current address and hasn't been for years, they try to get more money from you holding your super low quality dress hostage, and they just rip people off.
Darius C.2/27/2020

We answer phone in the office M-F 10am-2pm. We respond to email all hours of the day and evening.
Nellie C.1/16/2020

They responded to me the same day or in less than 24 hours.

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