What happening with CryptoBravos?
Asked by Michael F. on 1/9/2021
1 Answer
michael g.3/26/2021
A year ago I contacted crypto Bravos because I was interested in learning about crypto currency. It turned out I was not interested and I told them as much. Anyone want to guess how many times they have called me over the last year to sign me up? I don't have an exact number but if you guessed 3 times a day every day for a whole year you would be correct. I have tried everything to get them to stop from asking them kindly to stop contacting me to informing them they do not have my consent to contact me to out right yelling at them. They literally don't listen. Crypto Bravos is responsible for becoming a daily annoyance in my life that I would happily end if it was at all possible to do so. Unfortunately I made this mistake and live with their daily harassment on the bright side you dont have to. Stay FAR FAR FAR away from these sleazy garbage people.
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