Here’s what buyers have asked with answers from CouponBirds staff and previous consumers.
questions answered
answered within 1 day
Hello Jared,
Thanks for your message.
We also received your email. Our specialists are checking the coupon you mentioned and will give you more feedback.
Best Regards,
CouponBirds Support Team
By Coupon B., over a year old
Hello Simran,
Thanks for being our valued customer! This is Chirs Lynn and I'd be happy to give you the answers.
For your points on CouponBirds, the withdrawal threshold is $5, which is equal to 5,000,000 points. You can refer to the FAQ in your account for more details.
For your rewards on CouponBirds SmartCoupon Finder, the withdrawal threshold is $100. Once your balance is over $100, you can withdraw the rewards via PayPal. You can refer to the Help Center ( for more details.
If you have any other questions, please feel free to send me an email via the CouponBirds Contact Us page. Our support team will give you more feedback.
Best Regards,
Chris Lynn
By Coupon B., over a year old
How do i claim the 5 dollars
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How long does shipping take?
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