Questions & Answers

Hi, I am Dennis from Canada, is it necessary to use all 4 codes for my Huawei U2801 Mobile phone to unlock it, or only to unlock it and unblock it!? I unlocked it ok, but I would have liked to also have unblocked it! Because no signal bars show up now, on other Sim cards! Just original WIND Canada Sim card! Any suggestions!?

Asked by Dennis G. on 8/10/2015

2 Answers
darek j.8/10/2015

You will have to set up your outgoing and incoming settings. You'll also need to find the correct APN or VPN settings on your mobile carrier website.
Marlon T.8/10/2015

I only unlocked my Samsung no other brand. If you look below the codes that you receive you will see the instructions. If you receive any look like this NCK or MCK You can try the NCK first MCK.

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