Brigade Visas
Questions & Answers

are they genuine?

Asked by Nishanth M. on 7/3/2019

1 Answer
vignesh k.7/8/2019

I've opted for the services of brigade Visas in the month of October 2016 have hadt a good experience as a whole.

Following points i know about them or rather I had experienced.

Brigade Visas work with ICCRC consultant and I've verified the same by visiting their office in Hyderabad. And only then i opted for their service.

The processing team at the Brigade visas makes client go crazy by following up for documents, which i later realized is rather the best thing they are doing for clients. Running after the client.

Brigade Visas charge comparatively less that made me skeptical about them, and i started getting the same vibe as to whether it is genuine.

Finally i could say they are genuine and i got a visa through them

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