Questions & Answers

I am going to book my travel ticket from Travelocity.. booking worth of 1100/- Do you have any idea how much percent i will get using with this site.. because i am a new customer

Asked by Ramakrishna K. on 3/20/2017

4 Answers
Pamela P.6/17/2019

You can check out what percentage of your expenditures you will earn by searching for Travelocity on the BeFrugal website.
Dani L.5/17/2018

Befrugal is fraudster site
Lisa M.1/4/2018

DID YOU EVER GET PAID? Just wondering? My money is on the answer "NO"
Fernanda M.3/21/2017

Hi there, happy to help. If you just joined BeFrugal, you earned a $10 sign-up bonus as a new customer! For the travel you are booking, it depends on the type of travel. The cash back percentages vary depending on if it is a car rental, hotel, airfare, etc. The exact percentage you will earn can be seen at Travelocity's page on BeFrugal (befrugal dot com slash travelocity) after clicking on "Cash Back Terms & Exclusions."

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