Asked by Douglas D. on 7/18/2016
23 Answers
Craig w.3/7/2020
The odds are stacked against you on Anastasiadate because it works on a scam-based "business" model. It's a chat-oriented site, it pays comission to local affiliates, so it attracts many scammers, both women and men who want to suck in your hard earned money. The woman (or whoever it is you are chatting with) is paid by the local affiliates. If you really pursue a serious relationship, you should join a meeting-oriented site, i. E. http://j4love.net
They also have chat and video chat but they operate on a different model and therefore their girls are more serious about the meeting. When I was in Ukraine I signed up there and met two women. It didn't take me long to find the women who were willing to meet which was a big surprise for me as I got used to all kinds of excuses of Anastasiadate's girls as to why they were not able to meet me next month. Now I understand the real reason.
They also have chat and video chat but they operate on a different model and therefore their girls are more serious about the meeting. When I was in Ukraine I signed up there and met two women. It didn't take me long to find the women who were willing to meet which was a big surprise for me as I got used to all kinds of excuses of Anastasiadate's girls as to why they were not able to meet me next month. Now I understand the real reason.
Stacy J.7/19/2016
100% Scam. Such an incredible amount of money you are giving to Women and their Husbands who are conning you into communicating with them, as the website pays the women on their site a % commission for every transaction they produce. It's as simple as that, emotional prostitution. 95% of all the websites dealing with Ukrainian, Russian, Asian, Latin American, Eastern European dating between foreign men and the women of those various nations operates on this business model. However, I assure you, if you have all that money to waste on the website, you have enough money to save up for a trip to wherever your going, and so long as you're not a porn addicted pig of a man looking for a sex vacation there are fabulous Women (not on any site) who will gravitate to you. However, be aware, even when you are there, scams are afoot. I used to live in Kiev and I had a wonderful relationship, but no relationships are perfect, even if the women looks so good you think you could eat her. Russian and Ukrainian women are quite severe because of the environment they have lived, the stringent and deeply self-policing culture of strict adherence to tradition and social norms, as well as the fact men and women in these former Soviet nations are hard drinking, physically aggressive, and mentally strategic in everything they do. Be assured a Russian or Ukrainian woman knows how to wage intellectual war on a man if she is offended, humiliated, or even if she just gets the wrong end of the stick in communication. If they come to believe a certain thing about you, by no fault of your own except a misunderstanding, you will pay for the rest of your life. These are generalizations, but they are generally true. So get your head out of your ass and quit wondering if you're paying for nothing, you ARE paying for nothing and the person/people on the other end are 95% likely to be running some kind of scam on you. And it's 100% true the women on Anastasiadate and many many other websites get paid a % for the amount of money they manage to suck in, all measured by the people who run the site, and the majority of the money going to 'virtual pimps' who recruit the women to these sites. And the women are easy pickings. They live in abject poverty despite the fact they speak 2-4 languages, have 1-4 degrees, and now live in a war torn country. They ARE more intelligent, and more attractive than 99% of the women in North America by simple virtue they adhere to ancient principals of family structure, marriage, monogamy, etc. However, you can imagine their sense of entitlement to a better life, and their vulnerability to rational that might give them that, when it comes to using their God given assets to make an extra buck, and all they have to do is sit at home and chat with me. And remember, unless a woman is appearing on Video chat, she is most likely a man pretending to be a woman to get your money. And if it is a real woman she is on the Video chat to make more money for herself than through all that tedious emailing of letters back and forth. Get it? It's a total Scam. So if going there and getting a wife is that attractive to you, you'll have to go there, you'll have to get comfortable with their culture, their customs, and you'll have to live by them in strict accord if you want to keep peace between the sheets with a born and bred Ukrainian woman. I shit you not!
Patrick M.7/20/2016
99 per cent you will not meet her and she is a scammer. Even should you meet her she is likely to take you to the cleaners shopping and then dump you
joseph c.12/24/2016
See the "CHECK OUT THE 150 MILLION DOLLAR SCAM!" for all the proof you need to know that the letters you are receiving are from FemBots! Read the name they are addressing. All you have to do is change your name in the Account Tab and Poof, your inbox letters change their salutation!
Travis G.8/13/2016
I was scammed twice on this site and have lost over 10 grand to its early days of fraudulent activities, ie 2000s to probably only a couple years ago. I did meet one of the women I wrote to on the site but she had read none of my letters and was hired by a dating agency to go on the one date with the man, then never show again, aided by an interpreter. The other, just never showed, kept making excuses on Anastasia. The worst was not the money, big loss, over 10 grand, but the waste of time writing to fakes, and the day in jail was bad too, when I accidentally trespassed a Russian navalbase, and they were leniant to drop charges. I hear it has changed now and has less fakes still I don't trust them.
Globetrotter R.7/19/2016
Much would depend on whether the woman's profile was created and placed online by one of the hundreds of unregulated 'Affiliates' out there, for example these unregulated Affiliates use the software of a company based in Cherkassy, who launched a website in 2015 named 'admin panel' http://www.adminpanel.com.ua
This is just one example how appointed 'affiliates' throughout Ukraine access the opportunity to open their own profitable business to earn huge amounts of money through access to around 12 or more online marriage and dating agencies. Anastasia date (Svadba) signed up to this company as have Jump4love, Romance compass, Foreignladies, Hanuma, CharmDate, Zolushka, AFA (loveme.com), Find-Bride, Bridge of Love, Dream-Marriage and Dreamonelove.
There are no guarantees or warranties whatsoever in the unregulated business of dating and marriage agencies. This is a huge industry where Ukrainians who are in in the business of photography, the hiring of studios, hair-stylists. Make-up artists, language interpreters, models, model agencies, affiliates, marriage and dating agencies earn many millions of dollars each year, all paid for in full by thousands men who sign up to a service that sucks in their hard earned dollars faster than a vacuum cleaner to receive and write letters, chat and video different women whose only interest is to earn money.
You may be lucky to find a 'gem' amongst them, but the odds are stacked against anyone being successful.
This is just one example how appointed 'affiliates' throughout Ukraine access the opportunity to open their own profitable business to earn huge amounts of money through access to around 12 or more online marriage and dating agencies. Anastasia date (Svadba) signed up to this company as have Jump4love, Romance compass, Foreignladies, Hanuma, CharmDate, Zolushka, AFA (loveme.com), Find-Bride, Bridge of Love, Dream-Marriage and Dreamonelove.
There are no guarantees or warranties whatsoever in the unregulated business of dating and marriage agencies. This is a huge industry where Ukrainians who are in in the business of photography, the hiring of studios, hair-stylists. Make-up artists, language interpreters, models, model agencies, affiliates, marriage and dating agencies earn many millions of dollars each year, all paid for in full by thousands men who sign up to a service that sucks in their hard earned dollars faster than a vacuum cleaner to receive and write letters, chat and video different women whose only interest is to earn money.
You may be lucky to find a 'gem' amongst them, but the odds are stacked against anyone being successful.
Robin J.7/19/2016
I can tell you that the woman I met was the same that was in her photo. The issue is that with all the hype about being in love with you and wanting to spend their time with you, it does not work out that way. If you decide to meet, make sure you stay at a hotel with someone speaks your language, have a way to get around. I felt very used and duped. Do not let them make your arrangements for you. They are there to make money off of you and most have not intentions of leaving. Like I have stated before it is more of emotional prostitution because believe me there is very little romance once you are there.
jeff g.7/19/2016
AnastasiaDate will keep you hooked up, Long after you try to leave there site they don't allow you to leave. Don't answer your unsubscribe. It's a scam.
Jim L.7/19/2016
I actually met the person to whom I was talking. We wrote letters at first, then a phone call, and then Skyped. 3 months of video calling and off to Russia I went. She was exactly the person I was communicating with on Skype. We have been married now for 5 years. Thanks
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