Here’s what buyers have asked with answers from All Poetry staff and previous consumers.
questions answered
answered within 1 day
the $2 payment is for what service, please? what do I gain as my poem is published in journals?
Please contact us on the website, click the gear icon in the top right then 'contact us'. The basic membership is free, but paid memberships get you some bonus stuff, click the store link at the top for info on this.
By Kevin W., over a year old
Please contact us on the website, click the gear icon in the top right then 'contact us'
By Kevin W., over a year old
how many members are on this site?
what is the use of points ?
You award them to users who comment on your post. Or you can create contests and use points for prizes
By Robert C., 9 months ago
If you visit a person's profile page and click message, then 'history' you can see deleted messages with that user.
By Kevin W., over a year old
Usually this means javascript is misconfigured or broken on your computer. Try resetting your security settings to the default, and make sure your browser has all the latest updates. Comments need to be made from the "now comment" page, vs. clicking titles to comment...
By Kevin W., over a year old
For the required two comments after commenting? They have to be done from the "now comment" page, maybe that was the problem. Or the javascript on your computer messed up for some reason... Hopefully you got it working :)
By Kevin W., over a year old
Yes, you keep copyright to your poems and are free to post, publish, or share them elsewhere. You can see our terms of use link, click Help / Contact us at the bottom of the page if you want to see the gory details.
By Kevin W., over a year old
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